Interval, hematological, Biochemical, roughage, concentrates, bucklingAbstract
Fifteen (15) Sokoto Red bucklings of similar weight (5-6 months old) were used in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) to evaluate the effect of interval of feeding roughage and concentrate on the haematological parameters and biochemical characteristics of Sokoto Red buckling at the Prof. Lawal Abdul Saulawa Livestock Teaching and Research Farm, Federal University Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State. The experiment involved three treatments (Treatment 1: concentrate and roughage were offered at the same time; Treatment 2: roughage and concentrate fed at two hour intervals; Treatment 3: roughage and concentrate fed at three hour intervals). None of the hematological and biochemical parameters measured was significantly (P>0.05) affected. It is concluded that interval of feeding roughage and concentrate did not reveal any negative effect on the animals’ health as regards the hematological and biochemical parameters studied.
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