Cotton Seed Cake, Faidherbia albida, concentrates, wheat offalAbstract
Effects of feeding urea ensiled millet stover based diets with concentrates on growth performance and economy of supplementation in growing Yankasa Rams were evaluated. Four kg urea was dissolved in 100 litres of water sprinkled on 100kg of millet stover kept in an airtight, anaerobic condition for 21 days (ensiled) as basal diet, fed ad libitum to thirty Yankasa rams with average initial weights of 16.35 - 18.21 kg replicated 5 times using completely randomized design were allocated to 6 diets; 300g cottonseed cake diet 1, Faidherbia albida diet 2, CSC & maize offal diet 3, FA & maize offal diet 4, CSC & wheat offal diet 5 and FA & wheat offal diet 6, fed twice for 70 days. Findings revealed highest (p<0.05) DM intake (756.09g/d) in diet 6. Rams on diet 2 recorded highest average daily weight gain and FCR (75.81g/d & 7.91) than diet 4 (35.02g/day & 17.94) with least. cost of concentrate diets was lower in diet 6 (₦ 35.82) than diet 1 (₦ 109.83), 2 (₦ 46.79), 3 (₦ 66.71), 4 (₦ 68.77) and 5 (₦ 58.50). Supplementation of urea ensiled millet stover based diet improved growth performance and FCR. However, supplementing Faidherbia albida pod meal at 30% with 4kg urea ensiled millet stover gave the highest ADG and FCR with a concomittant reduction in cost of feed, therefore is recommended for growing Yankasa rams.
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