Local Milk, characteristics, Daura, challengesAbstract
Milk is essential for human consumption in view of its nutritive value. The study was therefore carried out to characterize milk production based on some socio-economic point of view of the producers and challenges in Daura Local Government area (LGA) of Katsina state. Using a two-stage sampling procedure, ten (10) communities were purposively selected in the first stage based on the high number of milk producers in the LGA while in the second stage, 6 participants were randomly selected from each of the ten (10) villages which totalled 60. The data gathered was analysed using descriptive statistics. The study showed that the respondents’ age group of 31-45 was highest with 60% while the distribution of age and formal education revealed that even the young members of the milk producers and other stakeholders were not well educated with 31-45 age range having the highest percentage of 11% in the primary education level. The female involvement in the milk business was more than that of men (80%). Red Bororo cattle breed were predominantly used (73%) and all the respondents utilized the traditional milking method and fermenting for milk processing and preservation. Poor storage facilities was reported to be the greatest challenge of the respondents while foot and mouth disease was more prevalent (58.3%). A quarter of the respondents received interventions to support the business. It was concluded that milk production, processing and marketing is still well undeveloped despite the inherent potentials. It was then recommended that government and non-governmental organisations should intervene in the area of training and capacity building to develop the milk production industry in the study area.
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