Foramen magnum, Occipital bone, Dysplasia, Nigerian local breed dogAbstract
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the morphology and morphometry of the foramen magnum of Nigeria local breed of dogs, in order to characterize the morphological features of the foramen magnum which will help in critical analysis of the occipital dysplasia. Occipital dysplasia is associated with dorsal enlargement of the foramen magnum which varies with the structural geometry. The size and shape of the foramen magnum predisposed dogs of different breed to the condition This study provides database indices for the foramen magnum of the Nigeria local dogs, since the knowledge of skull anatomy and morphometry is crucial to the diagnosis and management of some bony disorderThe assessment was done using Vernier caliper, in which from antero-posterio diameter, transverse diameter was assess. The shape of the foramen magnum (FM) was determined according to FM index that was calculated by dividing antero-posterior diameter by transverse diameter. Base on the foramen magnum geometry and morphology, it was possible to classify foramen magnum into different shapes varying from oval and quadrangular with a shallow dorsal notch observed in all the dogs. Of the 30 dogs, 12 (40%) dogs had a dorsal enlargement and 18 (60%) showed normal foramen magnum. This study will provide baseline data on foramen magnum shape, morphometry and variations that occurs in dogs with its application in veterinary forensic medicine and in neurosurgery and anesthesiology.
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