The study assessed the different barriers that limit the adoption of climate smart agricultural practices. Farmers view on the different barriers that limit the adoption of CSAPs is an important step of determining any action to be taken to reduce the negative effects of extreme weather events. Data for the study were collected through focus group discussion and interview that was administered on 220 smallholder farmers using availability sampling procedure. The data were analyzed using frequencies, percentage and charts. The finding revealed that barriers to CSAPs adoption has been found to be an endemic problem in the drylands of northern Nigeria with poor access to fertilizer, unavailability of extension workers, inadequate capital, unavailability of equipment among others all militating against the ability of the rural dwellers to effectively take up various innovation. Some of the recommendations made that since capital constraint has been the headache of most rural farmers, therefore stakeholders should strategize on how to promote the adoptions of CSAPs in capital constraints farm household. Farmers are also encourage to form cooperative societies to enable them have access to credit facilities and other inputs needed for effective adoption of the practices
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