This study was carried out to determine the response of weaned rabbits to roasted Karaya gum tree seed meal in a twelve weeks experiment. Three diets were formulated with control diet (I) having 0 % Karaya gum tree seed meal (KGSM) while diets II and III had 5 % and 10 % KGSM respectively. Thirty-six heterogenous mixed sexes of weaned rabbits with average initial weight of 525 g were allocated to the three diets in completely randomized design with twelve rabbits per treatment. At the end of the twelve weeks, digestibility trial was conducted. Feed intake and weight gains were determined. Feed intake and weight gains were significantly (P< 0.05) higher in diet containing 5 % KGSM. Feed conversion ratio was lower (P< 0.05) in treatment containing 5 % KGSM than control and 10 % KGSM diets. Nutrient digestibility was significantly (P< 0.05) higher in diet containing 0 % roasted KGSM (control) than treatments with 5 % and 10 % KGSM. However, the values for nutrient digestibility of diet containing 0 % roasted KGSM (control) and treatment with 5 % KGSM were numerically within close range indicating 5 % level of inclusion is comparable to 0 % inclusion. Nutrient digestibility decreased with increase (10 %) in roasted KGSM in the diet. This experiment had revealed that up to 5 % level of inclusion of roasted Karaya gum tree seed meal can be incorporated in the diet of rabbit without negative effects on growth performance and nutrient digestibility.
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