This study was conducted in Wudil Local Government Area of Kano State to comparatively analyze the marketing of goats and sheep in the area, with Wudil Livestock Market being purposively chosen for the study. A total of 85 marketers (50 goat and 35 sheep marketers) were proportionally and randomly selected for the study. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, marketing margin and Gini Coefficient. Findings revealed that all the marketers were males with 84% goat marketers and 66% sheep marketers being married. Profitability analysis revealed that sheep marketing had a higher profit of N2,028.5 than goat marketing with N1,307.5 profit. Conversely, goat marketing had a higher marketing efficiency of 115.8% while sheep marketing had 111.5%. The study therefore, revealed that though both goat and sheep marketing are profitable and efficient in the study area, sheep marketing requires higher initial capital outlay of N16,900 than goat marketing with N7,650. Similarly, with Gini Coefficients of 0.72 and 0.64 for goat and sheep markets respectively, both markets exhibit perfect inequality with an indication of unequal distribution of market share among the marketers. Common constraints faced by the two sets of marketers include high cost of transportation, inadequate capital, poor market infrastructure, as well as multiple market charges. It is therefore, recommended that since the two ventures are profitable and efficient, youths should be encouraged to go into them by the government by empowering them with initial start-up capital and provide good infrastructure in the market.
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