The study assessed factors influencing adoption of improved cassava processing technologies: a case of cassava - garri processing among rural women in Vandeikya Local Government Area of Benue state, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 160 respondents for the study. Primary data were collected with the use of structured questionnaire instrument and were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The result revealed that the mean age of the farmers was 39 years with majority (94%) of them married. The result further showed that more than half (53%) had primary education with a mean household size of 9 persons and mean garri processing experience of 10 years. The mean annual income of the women was N90953 with majority (82%) not belonging to any cooperative society. The result further showed that only 18% of the respondents have had visits from the extension agents in the last two years and only 16% of the respondents accessed credit for their processing enterprise. Mechanical grater had the highest adoption level of 88% followed by the screw press (54%). This level of adoption can be regarded as low. Age (-.0489), years of processing experience (.0581), membership of cooperative society (.0588) and annual income (.3359) of processors were the factors that influenced farmers’ adoption of improved garri processing technologies in the study area. The major constraints to adoption of improved garri processing technologies were high cost of technology (83%), lack of awareness of some technologies (61%), lack of credit facilities (34%). The study recommends subsidization of these improved technologies so that processors could afford to purchase and make use of them. Awareness creation on the existence and importance of these technologies should be strengthened among cassava processors to enhance more adoption of the technologies.
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