56 day’s feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding different cereal grain by-products on the haematological and serum biochemical indices of broiler chickens. One hundred and fifty Amor broiler chickens were randomly allotted to five experimental diets formulated to contain Maize offal, Sorghum offal, Wheat offal, Millet offal and Brewers dried grains at 10 and 15% levels of inclusion for broiler starter and finisher phase respectively. Five treatment groups were replicated three times with ten birds per replicate in a completely randomized design. The result of the experiment showed no significant (P>0.05) difference among the haematological values for packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cell (RBC), white blood cell (WBC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), neutrophils and monocytes. Significant effect of diet was only observed on lymphocyte. Serum biochemical parameters were significantly (P<0.05) different in Albumin, Cholesterol and Glucose whose values were however within the normal range for healthy birds. Therefore, it could be concluded that feeding cereal grain by-products to broiler finishers at 15% levels of inclusion has no toxic effect on haematological and serum biochemical indices. This is an indication that broiler chickens fed cereal grain by-products were in good health, nutritionally adequate and in a state of readiness to combat attack by foreign bodies.
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