Clarias gariepinus, helminths, gastrointestinal, Nematode, Zobe reservoirAbstract
A six months study was carried out to examine the gastrointestinal helminth of wild Clarias gariepinus from Zobe reservoir, Dutsin-Ma, Katsina State, Nigeria. A total of 162 pieces of Clarias gariepinus were purchased from fishermen at three (Raddawa, Tabobi and Makera) of the landing sites on Zobe reservoir between March and August 2021. Fish samples were identified at each of the three landing sites. The fish were transported alive to the fish biology laboratory, Federal University Dutsin-Ma, for the helminths examination. Experimental fish samples were measured for length and weighed. Stomach and intestinal parasites were, identified and counted. The helminths recovered include, one Cestode, Monibothrium sp, four nematodes, Procamallanus sp, Contracaecum sp, Capilaria sp and Camallanus sp and one Metacercariae of Trematode, with the Nematodes as the dominant helminths. The result showed higher number of the fish parasites in the intestine of C. gariepinus. The prevalence in female specimens of C. gariepinus 77 (88.50%) was higher than that of the males (84.00%). The Chi-square result was not significant showing there is no association between the sex and prevalence of helminths. It is not significant also for length and weight, but the sampling station had a P-value of 0.001, showing that there is a relationship between the sampling station and the prevalence of helminths in the sampled C. gariepinus from Zobe reservoir. The highest prevalence was from the Makera sampling station. African catfish from the Zobe reservoir were highly infested with gastrointernal parasites, and this cut across the sexes, ages and landing sites. Hence, Clarias gariepinus from the reservoir should be cooked properly to avoid the transfer of the parasites to the consumers. It is strongly advised that more studies should be carried out to examine parasites from other fish species from the reservoir, to ascertain the safety of consumers that relied on the reservoir for fish. It may also be important to put up regulations such as restrictions on waste disposal and grazing, that will limit potential activities that may encourage an increase in parasites around the water body.
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