Agricultural waste constitutes nuisance to environment thereby making the surrounding frowzy with the long-run effect on siphoning government expenditure and blighting the health status of farming households. This study investigated the utilization of agricultural waste by vegetable farmers in Kumbotso Local Government Area of Kano State, Nigeria. Structured Questionnaire was used to elicit one hundred and ten questionnaire used for the study. OLS regression analysis was used to analyse the data. The analysis of the farmers’ age shows that 47% were within the age group of 35-45 years. Inferential statistics shows that Marital status had positive significance (P<0.01) on agro-waste utilizer. This implies that married farmers utilized agro-waste than single farmers. The age of the farmers was positively significant (P< 0.10) in increasing their utilization of agro-waste. Budgetary analysis indicates that the Rate of Return to Investment is 1.70. This implies that for every one naira invested there is a return to investment of seventy kobo. The study concluded that utilization of agro-waste is credible and plausible to improve farming practice in the study area. The study recommends that experienced farmers should share acquired knowledge with the younger farmers to boost vegetable production in the study area. Farmers’ group discussion should be enhanced to encourage the female farmers and less experienced farmers on the need to use agricultural waste.
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