
  • Oliver Utobo NIHORT



Profitability; Dry season; Fluted Pumpkin; Smallholder; Okigwe


The study analyzed the profitability of dry season fluted pumpkin production among smallholder farmers in Okigwe, Southeastern Nigeria. Data were collected with the aid of well-structured questionnaire and interview schedule using simple random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result showed that the smallholder fluted pumpkin farmers in the area had mean age of 39 years and majority (61.7%) were female who were mostly (76.7%) married with household size of 5 persons. Majority (51.7%) had secondary education with mean farming experience of 5 years and mean farm size of 0.5417 hectare. Majority (66.7%) were none members of cooperative society and greater percentages (71.7%) have never had extension contact but their mean annual farm income was N73,550. Result further showed that, the total cost and total revenue of production were N163,005 and N338,340 respectively. Net return was N175,335, Benefit to cost ratio was 2.08 and return on investment was 1.08, with shepherd future of 48%. The sources of water for dry season production analyzed, showed that majority (55%) of the farmers use perennial stream, and wastewater (26.7%). Results also, revealed the constraints on profitable fluted pumpkin production in the area. These constraints were categorized into production, economic and managerial. The major production constraints were inadequate improved varieties of seeds (0.518), and poor feeder roads (0.581). Also the economic constraints were high cost of inputs (0.526), and inadequate credit facilities (0.5331). The major managerial constraints were inadequate extension contact (0.5885), poor market information (0.563), and Lack of irrigation facilities (0.518). However, dry season fluted pumpkin production in the area was profitable and recommended regular extension contacts, provision of irrigation facilities and good road network.


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