A study was conducted at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Dry land farm, Sokoto and Bui village in Arewa local government area of Kebbi State to evaluate pearl millet parental lines and their hybrids under downy mildew disease infestation. The treatment consisted of 42 entries, made up of 12 parents and 30 F1 hybrids combined in randomized complete block design with 6 blocks per replication, 8 plots per block (7 test rows +1 infector row), 1 row per plot and 10 stands per row replicated 2 times. Data was collected on 12 characters of pearl millet. Analysis of variance indicated significant difference (P < 0.05) among the genotypes for all 12 characters studied in each location while combined analysis of variance across locations showed that the genotypes differ significantly (P < 0.05) with respect to all characters except for Downy mildew severity (DMS) and threshing percentage (THR%). In terms of the broad sense heritability most of the characters were moderately heritable as panicle circumference (PCIR) recorded the highest (84.32%) in UDUS, grain weight (GWT) recorded (71.4%) in Bui and panicle length (PLEN) recorded (78.54%) in the combined
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