Probiotic, Clarias gariepinus, growth performance, carcass compositionAbstract
The study was carried out for three (3) months to determine the influence of a commercial probiotic which is a mono- strain probiotic consisting of live Saccharomyces cerevisiae at 4.125 × 106 cfu per 100ml, on growth, nutrient utilization and body composition of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings. At a stocking density of ten (10) fish per tank, fish fingerlings (7.6–7.9g) were randomly dispersed into five treatment groups with three repetition per group, consisting of fifteen plastic tanks (80L). The probiotic was administered in the culture water of the treatment groups; 0mls (control, T0), 0.5ml (T1), 1.0 (T2), 1.5 (T3), 2.0 (T4) ml probiotic/tank (80L capacity). Water quality parameters were regularly monitored. The growth performance, nutrients utilization and body composition of C. gariepinus fingerlings among probiotic treatments groups were significantly increased (P < 0.05) with increasing dosage of the probiotic. The best Mean Weight (121.3g), Mean Weight Gain (113.5g), Percentage Mean Weight Gain (1456.5%), Feed Conversion Ratio (0.92g) and Protein Efficiency Ratio (2.6), was recorded in probiotic treatment group T4 (2.0ml). Similarly, the highest increase in carcass crude protein (69.9g/Kg), moisture (10.34), ash (15.26g/Kg) and dry matter (29.46g/Kg) was recorded in treatment group T4 (2.0ml). Probiotic (Antox®) is recommended for administration in C. gariepinus fingerlings culture water at 2.0mls per 80L.
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