Morphology, Meckel’s diverticulum, Genotype, ChickensAbstract
Morphological studies were carried out on the Gastrointestinal tracts (GIT) of two genotypes of Nigerian indigenous chickens with particular emphasis on Meckel’s diverticulum (MD). Twenty adult male chickens of two genotypes (10 birds per genotype), all above one year of age, were used to determine the gross, morphometric and histological studies on the Meckel’s diverticulum. The MD was found to be a small coma- shaped outgrowth in both genotypes, located on the beginning of the distal half of the Jejunum. Its tip was free and it had no fibrous or peritoneal attachments. The parameters measured were found to vary between the two genotypes, with only the MDC length been significantly (p 0.05) different. Histologically, the MD in both genotypes was found to have all four layers of alimentary tract; mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa and serosa. The mucosa had short villi. The lining epithelium was made up of low columnar cells. The lamina propria of mucosa as well as submucosa contained intestinal glands with plenty of parietal cells. The submucosa contains blood vessels. The muscularis externa was found to comprise only the circular musclularis layer. The MD in these two genotypes was found to be a small coma- shaped outgrowth located on the beginning of the distal half of the Jejunum. The morphometric parameters of the MD were found not to vary significantly except for the length from Meckel’s diverticulum to Cecal opening (MDC). The observed glandular and lymphoid tissues reaffirmed the MD’s role in immunological activities of the intestine.
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