



Phosphorus distributions,, forms,, savanna soil,, forest land use,, soil fertility


In addition to providing a variety of ecosystem services like food production, water management, nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity protection, soil is an essential natural resource that sustains life on earth. The study assessed phosphorus distributions and forms in savanna soil under selected forest land uses in northwestern, Nigeria. This experiment used a completely randomized design with a 4 x 2 factorial layout. Four land uses and soil samples from two soil depths were included in the variables. Analysis of Variance was used to analyze the data. The findings confirmed that sandy loam was the textural class of the land use categories in the studied locations. The leaves of Moringa oleifera contain the highest nitrogen content (20.00 g kg-1) and low C: N (31.54 g kg-1) among others. The soil pH (6.55), available phosphorus (13.50 mg kg-1), magnesium (0.35 C mol kg-1), potassium (0.09 Cmol kg-1) had significantly (p < 0.05) higher values in M. oleifera plantation than other land use. The amount of soil physical and chemical properties increased with the soil depth of 0-30 cm. The values of the phosphorus (P) forms increased in M. oleifera with the significantly (p < 0.05) higher values (7.37 mg kg-1) in calcium phosphorus (Ca-P), (4.75 mg kg-1) in iron phosphorus (Fe-P mg kg-1) and (13.55 mg kg-1) in available phosphorus (Av-P). In conclusion, M. oleifera plantation provides an adequate soil phosphorus form that is sustainable to improve soil quality and fertility.


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