
  • GAMA Emmanuel Nkwi Federal University Dutse, Jigawa State, Nigeria



efficient, resource-use, profitability, rice production


Rice is an important crop to the Nigerian economy. However, the level of inputs used in its production are not at the optimum level. This study examined the resource use efficiency of rice producers in Kura LGA of Kano State, Nigeria. Data used for the study was obtained by scheduled interview using structured questionnaires administered to 115 respondents selected using a simple random sampling procedure. Descriptive statistics, budgetary techniques and multiple regression were used to analyze the data. Results obtained revealed that the mean age of the farmers was 31 years, most of the farmers were male, educated and with farming experience of 8 years. Results for profitability of rice production showed that the net farm income for rice production was N176922.2 with a return to Naira investment value of 2.7. This implies that 1N invested on rice production would give a return of N1.7. Results for regression analysis showed that farm size, agrochemicals, and labour had a significant effect on output. Analysis of return to scale was 4.5. This indicates an increasing return to scale with increased use of input resources. Results for resource-use efficiency revealed that farm size, agrochemicals, seed quantity, and labour were under-utilized. Further analysis showed that inadequate capital and poor extension service delivery affected rice production. The study recommended improvement on extension service delivery. The government, Non-governmental organizations and farmer organizations were advised to educate the farmers on appropriate use of farm inputs and ensure the availability of these inputs to farmers at subsidized prices. Farmers could be provided with soft agricultural loans to finance purchase of equipment and production inputs. 


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