Body weight,, Normal feathered Chicken, Correlation, Morphometric Traits, Regression equationAbstract
A study was carried out to ascertain the relationships between body weights and body morphometric traits of indigenous normal feathered chickens including chest girth (CG), body length (BL), thigh length (THL), shank length (SL), Shank circumference (SC), wing length (WL) and keel length (KL) of indigenous normal feathered chicken progenies. One hundred and thirtyeight (138) birds comprising of Ninety-six (96) males and Fourty two (42) females generated from the foundation stock were used for the experiment. Data were analysed with the help of SAS (Version 9.1) for correlation and regression analysis. The relationships among growth traits were positive, high and significant (P<0.01) in both sexes. Highest correlations between BW and CG (0.897) and between BW and THL (0.843) were observed in both males and females, respectively. Prediction equations obtained for both sexes indicated that coefficient of determination (R2) is high in the models. CG and SC (0.80) were the best linear body measurements that predicted BW in males and SL (0.63) was the best predictor in females. The study concluded that body weights could be predicted using body morphometric traits with high degree of accuracy.
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