African cherry,, planting media,, germination percentage,, seedling growthAbstract
A study was conducted in 2022 and repeated in 2023 to examine the effects of five different planting media on the germination and selling growth of African Cherry (Chrysophylum albidum). The planting media were sandy soil, clay soil, top garden soil, saw dust, and a mixture of top soil and saw dust in a ratio of 50:50 percent. It was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) experiment with three replications. Five parameters were tested to achieve the objectives of the study, including: germination percentage, plant height, number of leaves, leaf area and collar diameter of seedlings. The results showed that seeds planted on top garden soil were superior with respect to germination percentage of 94% in 2022 and 96% in 2023 and the following parameters measured at 9 weeks after planting: plant height of 29.0cm in 2022 and 29.4cm in 2023, number of leaves of 9.2 in 2022 and 9.4 in 2023, leaf area of 78.2cm2 in 2022 and 78.6cm2 in 2023 and collar diameter (3.6cm). Seeds planted on clay soil had the lowest germination percentage of 62% in 2022 both 2022 and 2023. The superiority with respect to germination percentage and other growth characters of the seeds planted in the five different planting media was TS > TS + SD > SS > SD > CS. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that farmers should grow African cherry on top soil for enhanced germination and seedling growth.
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