Soil management,, variabilityAbstract
The relative influence of land use on soil variability was examined for an extensive group of soils in Kaduna to provide an understanding of soil variability on dynamic properties of soil for suitable land use and avoidance of environmental degradation. The study examined the impact and variability in soil chemical properties in the three land use systems. Soil samples were randomly collected and replicated three times in a pasture, irrigated and arable land uses located within Zaria and its environs, Kaduna state. Result on impact of the land use systems on soil properties revealed that while soil pH, organic carbon, exchangeable acidity, exchangeable calcium and magnesium were statistically similar in pasture and irrigated land uses, they were significantly (P < 0.001) higher in arable land uses. Similarly soils under pasture was significantly (P < 0.001) higher in total nitrogen, available phosphorus, and soil cation exchange capacity than those under irrigation and arable land. The result on soil variability between the three land use types showed that Organic carbon, Total nitrogen, Available phosphorus, Exchangeable magnesium, exchangeable potassium, exchangeable sodium, total exchangeable bases, exchangeable acidity and cation exchange capacity showed coefficient of variations (CV) >35% in pasture and irrigated land uses while exchangeable acidity, total nitrogen and organic carbon were highly variable (CV>35) in arable land use. In conclusion, variability analysis of the sites indicated that the soil properties examined showed a dynamic relationship between land use types.
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