Climate variability,, Rice Farmers,, Climate awareness,, Adaptation strategiesAbstract
This study analyzed rice farmers’ awareness and adaptation to climate variability in Kano State, Nigeria.
A total of 314 respondents were selected for the study using a multi-stage sampling approach and relevant data were collected from them using structured questionnaire. Descriptive analysis and coping strategy index (CSI) were employed to analyze data. The study revealed that overall; all of the respondents had high awareness of climate variability. Longer dry season (84.4%) and erratic rain pattern (78%) were the top manifestations of climate variability observed by the rice farmers. Rice farmers’ CSI of minimum of 165 to a maximum of 1740, an arithmetic mean of M=606.6 were reported and the majority of the rice farmers were between low to moderately resilience to climate variability in the study location. The three top constraints against adaptation to climate variability as perceived by the respondents are high cost of improved seed, inadequate access to funds or credit to acquire technological packages and poverty. The study recommended that because majority of the rice farmers that fell within the group of ‘low resilient and moderately resilient’ to climate variability; there is an urgent need for government and relevant bodies to bring aids to farmers to further strengthen the resilience to climate variability.
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