Sheep breed,, DRB1 Gene,, PCR-RFLP,, Major Histocompatibility Complex, and Genetic diversityAbstract
The genetic diversity of three Nigerian sheep of breeds was investigated based on the DRBI (exon2) an immune gene. Blood samples from 150 sheep (50 each from Balami, Uda, and Yankasa breeds) were collected from Maiduguri Abattoir. The samples were analyzed at the Biotechnology Centre of the University of Maiduguri. The analysis is based on PCR-RFLP; the genomic DNA of sheep was carried out from whole blood sample using DNA extraction kit to extraction DNA. PCR product was incubated and digested using the restriction enzyme Rsa1. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) shows that only 11 percent of the total variations were observed in the sampled population and accounted for population differences, and 89 percent was accounted for within populations. The phylogenetic tree showed that Uda and Yankasa are closely related to each other than the Balami sheep.
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