Eigen value,, Egg qualities,, Communality,, Japanese quail,, Principal componentAbstract
This research applied Principal Component Analysis to assess egg quality traits in Japanese quail reared in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria. Two hundred and twenty (220) eggs collected from 20-week-old quails were used. Data were collected on nine (9) egg quality traits included egg weight (EW), egg height (EH), egg width (WE), shell weight (SW), shell thickness (ST), albumen height (AH), yolk height (YH), Haugh Unit (HU) and albumen index (AI). 9.77 g, 2.99 cm, 2.42 cm, 0.90 g, 0.25 mm, 3.95 mm, 1.00 cm, 87.84% and 6.48% were the mean values obtained for the egg characteristics, respectively. Data were subjected to Principal Component Analysis using SPSS version 20.0. The three Principal components (PCs) extracted accounted for 72.14% of the total variance of the original nine egg qualities analyzed had 2.86, 2.62 and 1.01 as their Eigen values accounting for 31.78, 29.14 and 11.22% of the total variance, in that order. Moderate to large communalities (0.439-0.934) were an indication that a larger part of the variance was accounted for by the factor solution. PC 1 was characterized by high positive loadings on AH (0.957), HU (0.957) and AI (0.893); PC 2 described EW (0.621), EH (0.756), WE (0/762) with high positive loadings and YH (0.497) with moderate loading. PC 3 was characterized with high positive loadings on SW (0.754) and ST (0.878). The result thus indicated that PCs 1, 2 and 3 are; descriptor of internal egg, egg size and egg shell qualities, respectively in Japanese quails.
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