Impact, Soil Forms,, Light and Water regime,, Morphological Attributes,, and Balanities eagyptiaca,Abstract
- aegyptiacais an extremely important tree species in the development of the rural economy in Northern Nigeria and no specific study has been carried out to establish its productivity potentials and conservation strategies of B. aegyptiaca. Therefore, the study was conducted to investigate the morphological responses of Balanities eagyptiacaas influenced by soil forms, watering regime and light intensity on the early growth performance of Balanites aegyptiaca A total of one hundred and ninety nine seeds (199) were sown in 1m by 1m seed bed after pre-treatment with cold water for seventy-two hours. The experiment was arranged in 3 x 3 x 3 factorial in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with twenty-seven treatments combination and three replicates. The experiment was carried out for sixteen (16) weeks and five growth parameters were measured. Data collected were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA and descriptive statistics. Treatment combination of C3T1W3 (Sandy x 50% of light x watering three times in a week) showed the highest performance followed by C1T3W3 (Clay x 100% of light intensity x watering three times in a week). Light intensity had significant different on shoot height and leaf production while watering regime had significant differences on leaf area and stem diameter at 0.05 probability level. Also, sandy soil had significance differences on leaf area at 0.05 probability level. Watering three times in a week and light intensity between 50 to 100 % are required for the growth of the species. Sandy soil supported the growth of the species and there must be application of specific insecticide at early stage.
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