Growth Performances,, Leaf Extract,, Nitrogen Fixating Efficiency, and Tamarindus indicaAbstract
Tamarind cultivation faces challenges due to marginal land use, soil erosion, nutrient depletion and suboptimal fertilization practices, impacting productivity and quality. A study assessed nitrogen-fixing tree leaf powder's effect on Tamarindus indica seedling growth, employing a Complete Randomized Design with four treatments (Bauhinia racemosa, Tamarindus. indica, Siamese cassia and control) and ten replications. Results showed no significant differences at 0.05 probability level, yet Bauhinia racemosa supported branch length, stem diameter and leaf production, outperforming other treatments. Siamese cassia exhibited highest shoot height, while control promoted leaf production. Bauhinia racemosa proved optimal for T. indica growth. Innovative strategies, such as examining leguminous leaves, breeding and bio-engineering, can enhance tamarind's slow growth, ensuring sustainable production and utilization.
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