Bagrus bajad,, Gastrointestinal,, parasites,, silver catfish,, Zobe ReservoirAbstract
A study of Bagrus bajad of Zobe artificial lake was conducted between October and December, 2023 to determine the presence of gastrointestinal parasitic worms infestation in Bagrus bajad. A total of 108 live fish samples of Bagrus bajad were collected from fishermen at the investigation places, fish samples were randomly collected weekly from three (3) selection locations from fish men using various fishing gears (Long line, nets and Traps). Out of 108 fish samples from Zobe, 29 were male and 79 were female. Female fish samples had a comparatively greater number of infected 49 whereas the male fish samples documented 21. Fish parasites recovered and their prevalence among Bagrus bajad obtained from Zobe reservoir includes; Asiostrema spp21 (30.00%), Metacercarriae spp17(24.29%), Ascaris spp 21(30.00%) and Acanthosentis tilapia 11 (15.71%). Bagrus bajad sampled obtained from Zobe indicated among the silver catfish experimented from Zobe Reservoir, the intestine were the most infected 40 (57.14%) of tissues examined, followed by the stomach with 30 (42.86). Fishes such as B. bajad, S. mystus, C. gariepinus and C. Zilli from the Zobe reservoir should be cooked properly or be on fire before eating to shun health threat due to consumption of the fish parasitic worms.
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