



Black harco,, egg quality,, nutraceuticals,, hot season


This ninety-day study evaluated egg quality indices of layers fed natural source of vitamins A, C and E to alleviate heat stress during hot-dry season in the Nigerian Sudan-savannah. In a completely randomized design, sixty Black Harco layers of twenty-one weeks old were allotted into six groups of 10 birds each, housed singly per cell on battery cages. The birds were fed six experimental diets; diet 1, T1(BD) was basal diet only, diet 2, 3, 4 and 5 contained 1kg each of synthetic ascorbic acid (AA), baobab pulp meal (BPM), amaranthus leaf meal (ALM) and tiger nut meal (TNM), respectively, while diet 6 designated as (BAT), contained 0.33kg each of BPM, ALM and TNM. Sampled eggs were broken and data obtained were analysed using ANOVA. Egg weight, eggshell surface area, eggshell index, yolk colour and albumen weight differed significantly (P<0.05) across the groups, but other external and internal quality parameters were not statistically affected. Hens fed the combined nutraceuticals had the best values in egg weight (53.53 ± 4.06g), eggshell surface area (67.22 ± 5.18), albumen weight (34.83 ± 4.28g), second best in yolk colour (5.57± 0.03), but least value in eggshell index (7.65 ± 0.16). The three nutraceuticals, either singly or in combination played antioxidant roles by improving egg quality. Therefore, amaranthus leaf, baobab pulp and tiger nut meals are recommended as feedstuffs in Black Harco layers’ diets to alleviate negative effects of heat on egg quality during hot-dry season in Sokoto metropolis.


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