Socioeconomic Dynamics,, Profitability Drivers,, Broiler Chicken ProductionAbstract
This study investigated the socioeconomic dynamics and profitability drivers in broiler chicken production in Sabon Gari Local Government Area (LGA) of Kaduna State, Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used in selecting one hundred and fifty (150) broiler chicken producers. Primary data were collected through the use of a structured questionnaire. Tools of analysis used were descriptive statistics, farm budgetary techniques, and the multiple regression model. The socio-economic characteristics of the producers revealed a mean age of 44 years, with the majority (62.50%) of the producers being male. The broiler farmers had one form of education or another, with a mean flock size of 213 birds. It was found that the percentage contribution of the purchase of feed to the total variable cost of production was the highest (45.79%), with a sum of ₦ 756.06 at average as the total cost incurred in the production of broilers was realized. Consequently, the return on Naira invested of ₦ 1.38 implies that for any ₦ 1 invested in broiler production, the farmers generated 38k. The results from regression analysis revealed that sex, age, farming experience, household size, education, and membership in cooperatives were the determinants of the profitability of broiler chicken production. It was concluded that broiler production in the study area was profitable and that several socio-economic factors significantly influence profitability. It was therefore recommended that producers consider joining cooperative membership to explore the benefits of cooperatives and leverage bulk purchasing discounts and knowledge sharing opportunities, potentially improving profitability for members.
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