The proximate analysis and fiber fractions of wheat straw ensiled with urea (2.5%), poultry litter, watermelon peels and pineapple peels at 25% inclusion each for 0, 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 fermentation days were determined. The experiment was laid out in a Factorial arrangement in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with five treatments and 3 replications for each treatment. Wheat straw (SWS) was ensilage without additives served as the control. All the treatments were conducted in an open mouthed kilner jar which were opened following the fermentation of 0, 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 days for sample collection and determination of CP, CF, EE, Ash, DM, NFE, ADF, NDF, Cellulose, Hemicellulose and Lignin. The results obtained shows significant difference (P<0.05) in all the additives across the fermentation days. PLWS shows highest values of CP at 30 FDs (11.07%), CF (35.98%), Ash (5.12%), ADF (35.04g/100g), NDF (55.40g/100g), Cellulose (13.06g/100g), and Lignin (12.00g/100g) while WPWS and PPWS have ranging values CP (5.99-8.50%), CF (24.16-29.87%), EE (1.51-2.03%), Ash (4.45-5.03%), ADF (23.56-29.56g/100g), NDF (35.40-45.42g/100g), Cellulose (8.48-10.59g/100g) and Lignin (7.89-9.88g/100g) across the fermentation days. Ensiling wheat straw with poultry litter (PLWS) for 30 FDs is recommended for ruminant feeding because it yields better proximate composition and fiber fractions.
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