Haemoglobin, Alleles, frequency, Genotypes, Blood group, Lake AlauAbstract
The study was carried out to investigate the blood groups, genotypes, allele frequency variation and test for conformity to Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium in the Clarias anguillaris and Clarias gariepinus population of Lake Alau, Maiduguri. Blood samples were taken from the caudal vein of the fishes for determination of haemoglobin parameters through cellulose acetate electrophoresis. The result showed that both male and female species of the fishes had homozygous genotypes (AA, BB and CC). However, heterozygous genotypes of AB and BD were obtained in male C. anguillaris and female C. gariepinus respectively. The observed genotypes resulted in the allelic frequency within and among the fish species population to AA (0.4), BB (0.4), AB (0.1) and CC (0.1) for C. anguillaris while C. gariepinus had AA (0.4), BB (0.3) CC (0.2) and BD (0.1). The blood groups obtained in this study were 100% O – for the fishes. The mean values recorded for haemoglobin concentration were 8.500±0.767g/dl and 8.440±0.545g/dl for male and female C. anguillaris while that of male and female C. gariepinus were 9.180±0.274g/dl and 7.900±0.372g/dl respectively. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in the means. The test for conformity to Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium was found to be 0.90 and 0.80 for C. anguillaris and C. gariepinus respectively.
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