Alchornea cordifolia,, Body weight,, Genotype,, Performance,, Rabbit,, ReproductiveAbstract
The body weight and reproductive performance of four genotypes of rabbits fed with toasted Alchornea cordifolia seed meal were examined in the study, as well as the body weight performance of their first filial generation and their reciprocal crosses. Toasted Alchornea cordifolia seed meal (TASM) inclusion was to know the (%) level that will perform better. The mating ratio of 1 sire to 9 dams in combinations of Dutch black buck and New Zealand does (DTB X NZW), New Zealand buck and Dutch black does (NZW X DTB), and then their reciprocal crosses resulted in a total of 127 kittens (NZW X DTB). The treatment diets were formulated at different levels to meet the rabbit’s nutritional requirements. Rabbits were kept in hutches inside rabbit’s pens, and feed and water were provided ad libitum. Reproductive and body weight were recorded. Preliminary and phytochemical analysis of the TASM revealed that it has values of 20.00%, 90.30%, 14.50%, 12.00%, 1.05%, and 65.2% for crude protein, dry matter, Ether extract, crude fiber, Ash, and Nitrogen-free extract, and phytochemical contains 6.50mg/g and 86.05mg/g for phytic acid and tannins. From the experiment, it is revealed that the rabbit fed on 15% TASM (NZW X DTB) significantly (p˂0.05) had a better body weight and reproductive performance than other groups. The findings of this study show that TASM can be incorporated into rabbits' diets up to 15% inclusion level for better weight gain and reproductive efficiency without having any negative impact on the animal.
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