Market structure,, conduct,, channels,, Nsukka yellow pepperAbstract
The study was carried out to examine the market structure and conduct of Nsukka yellow pepper in Enugu State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study sought to: describe the socio-economic characteristics of Nsukka yellow pepper marketers, examine the market structure of Nsukka yellow pepper, determine the marketing channel and conduct, and identify the constraints militating against the marketing of Nsukka yellow pepper. Purposive and multistage random sampling technique and a well-structured and validated questionnaire were used in the study. Based on the findings, the males (60%) dominated the wholesale market, while the females (90%) dominated the retail market of Nsukka yellow pepper in the study area. There was relatively a high-income inequality and degree of concentration with the Gini-coefficient of 0.584 in wholesaling against 0.524 in the retailing level of the crop. Five distributive channels (producers- marketing agents – wholesalers- retailers-consumers) were identified in the marketing of Nsukka yellow pepper. Major constraints among others include cost of transportation (93.3%), seasonality (63.3%) and perishability (86.7%) of the product and marketing charges (92.2%). It was recommended that Nsukka yellow pepper marketers should form cooperative societies to help them properly dispose their products, strengthen their capital base and easily assess credit facilities. Enlightenment campaigns about the crop should be embarked upon and the channels of distribution should be improved to help reduce the problem facing the marketers in the disposal of the product.
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