Marketing,, Hypheane thebaica,, Socio-economic,, FruitsAbstract
The study examined the marketing channels, the profitability and the challenges in Hypheane thebaica fruits in Sokoto, Sokoto State Nigeria. Data was collected using structured questionnaire which was administered to one hundred (100) marketers. Five markets were purposively selected namely; “Kure, Kara, Kasuwandaji, and Tsohonkasuwa market”, 20 marketers were randomly selected from each market. Data obtained was analysed using descriptive statistics and profit margin analysis was used to analyse data on profitability. Results indicated that, marketing of H. thebaica fruits is dominated by males (98.0%) and mostly (55.0%) between 41-50 years, 73.0% were married, 62.0% has household size of 16-20 individuals. 11.0% of the respondents had no form of formal education but (71.0%) have Quranic education. Marketers were majorly farmers 50.0% Results also showed 51.0% had (22-28) years of experience, 100% involved in the marketing of the product. About 46.5% source H. thebaica fruist from wholesalers and sold to consumers directly. 47.1% sold the fruits at its dried stage, 49.6% reported seasonality as their reason for selection. The total revenue indicated ₦19,500.00 and average net profit made was ₦15,100.00 per week, while gross profit margin indicated 77.44% for H. thebaica fruits business is highly profitable. Government should support and provide harvesting equipment like go to hell, so as to ease the difficulties in harvesting of H. thebaica fruits in the area and grant soft loans to the marketers so as to boost their business is recommended.
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