anti nutrient,, carcass,, rabbits,, weaner,, performanceAbstract
The effect of replacing maize with lrish potato peel meal (IPMP) in the diets of weaner rabbits was investigated. Twenty rabbits of mixed sexes with an average initial weight of 766.67 – 783. 33g were randomly allotted to four dietary treatments of 5 rabbits per treatment in a completely randomized design (CRD). Diet 1 was the control and is devoid of IPPM while diets 2, 3 and 4 contained IPPM at 10, 20 and 30% levels, respectively. Feed and water were provided ad–libitum throughout the study period that lasted 56 days. Data were collected on feed intake, weight gain and were used to calculate other growth parameters. Proximate analysis and anti –nutritional factor analysis were carried out. At the end of the trials, two animals from each treatment were slaughtered, dissected, eviscerated and dissembled for carcass evaluation. IPPM had a dry matter content of 88.69%, nitrogen free extract of 87.16% and metabolisable energy of 3401.39 kcal/kg. The content of anti–nutrients are phytate 1.24%, tannins 0.26%, oxalate 0.24% and cyanide 3.40%. There were significant (p<0.05) differences in weight gain, feed intake, feed to gain ratio, feed cost/kg gain and mortality across treatments. Diets 2 and 3 compared favourably with the control. Results of carcass analysis show significant (p<0.05) differences in dressing percentage and percentages of Head, liver, lungs heart, loin, limbs, stomach, small intestines and skin across treatments. Results indicate that sun –dried IPPM can be included up to 20% level in feed thus reducing the cost of rabbit production.
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