Arable crops, Climate Change, Delta State, Resilient FactorsAbstract
Climate change is real and overwhelmingly affecting farming activities in Delta State. Objectives of the study are to identify arable crops that the farmers in Delta State cultivate, identify agricultural practices that are resilient to climate change and constraints affecting the choice of agricultural practices in Delta State. Arable crop farmers in Delta State formed the population from which sample was drawn. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to sample the farmers to get the sample size of 225. Data were analyzed with frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Majority of arable crop farmers (55.4%) were female. Maize, cassava, vegetables, beans, cowpea and yam are major arable crops engaged. The results indicated that mixed cropping (=3.18); planting of trees (=3.13); increase use of
organic fertilizers (=2.57); mulching of crop (=2.93); planting pest and disease resistant crops (=2.92) were considered serious resilience factors. Factors such as high cost of improved planting varieties (=3.35); poor funding of agricultural rural development program (=3.32); lack of information (=3.34); low capacity of extension agents to boost and build farmers resilience (=3.02) were agreed constraints affecting the choice of agricultural practices. The study revealed that arable crop farmers in Delta State engaged many practices as resilience factors to climate change but many factors affecting their choice of agricultural practices
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