We examined the performance of sweet potatoes production in Anambra State, Nigeria. Data were analysed with descriptive statistics, budgetary techniques, SWOT analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The finding confirmed sweet potato production as a source of livelihood engaged by mostly educated married farmers, with average age of 40 years, farming experience of 4 years and average farm size of 3.6 plots. Personal saving was their main source of capital, while an average of 9.5bags/plot of sweet potatoes were harvested. The selling price was N3,240.75/bag, average total cost was ₦11,218.70/plot, average total revenue was ₦30,800/plot, Net farm income was ₦19,581.30/plot while the return on investment was ₦1.75. The strengths of sweet potatoes farming included high yield, adaptability, availability of planting materials and market, while the weaknesses were lack of information, its sweet nature, and low price at harvest. The opportunities included sweet potatoes awareness creation, taking advantage of the diversified uses/varieties of sweet potatoes, and commercialization. The potential threats were its perishable nature, consumer perception, lack of financial support, and possibility of consumers changing their taste. Marital status, farming experience, quantity harvested, and selling price had positive effect on farmers’ net income while total cost of production impacted it negatively. Lack of improved variety, and high cost of labour, were some constraints identified. The study concluded that Sweet potato farming is profitable and recommended that more awareness on its nutritional value, diversified uses, commercialization and varieties should be created by relevant bodies. Also, farmers should be supported financially and encouraged to expand their scale of production since sweet potato production is profitable.
Key words: sweet potatoes, performance, SWOT, livelihood, opportunities
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