Kilishi;, oven dried;, sun dried;, proximate composition;, microbial countAbstract
The effects of processing methods (sun drying and oven drying) on quality characteristics of kilishi like jerkies were compared. The beef samples were processed into kilishi by sun drying or oven drying and then analysed for proximate composition, microbiology and sensory qualities after 1st and 12th weeks of storage. The data generated except sensory scores were analysed in a 2x2 factorial arrangement using a completely randomized design (CRD). The results of proximate analysis showed significant effects of the processing methods and period of storage in all the parameters analysed. Although microorganisms such as Fungi, Salmonella, E-coli, Staphylococcus and total coliform were isolated from the treatments, kilishi that was produced through sun drying had higher values of isolated microbes than counterparts produced by oven drying. Sundried kilishi had higher scores in all the sensory parameters analysed than the oven dried kilishi. The study indicated that production of safer and more wholesome kilishi snacks can be achieved through the use of oven drying, nonetheless, the sensory quality characteristics of sundried kilishi had higher scores and were preferred to the oven dried kilishi. Therefore, recommendation is made to increase the ingredient composition of the oven dried kilishi in order to meet the sensory qualities required by the consumers
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