FUNAAB Alpha chicken;, freezing; chilling;, oxidative stress;, sperm viabilityAbstract
The impact of freezing and chilling on the semen of FUNAAB Alpha (Normal feather) chickens was examined in this study. Pooled semen collected from ten FUNAAB Alpha (Normal feather) chicken were diluted with Tris –based extender. Diluted semen was divided into two fraction, the first fraction was subjected to chilling at 4oC and the second fraction was subjected to freezing at 1oC for 24hrs. Thereafter semen were evaluated for viability, functional integrity and oxidative stress (Malondialdehyde concentrations MDA and seminal leukocytes). The result showed a consistent variation in the viability and functional integrity. However, Sperm motility and livability preserved at 4oC was significantly higher (p<0.05) than those preserved at 1oC. Abnormal sperm (head, mid piece and tail) recorded for those preserved at 4oC was significantly lower (p<0.05) than those preserved at 1oC. The findings indicate that sperm viability, functional integrities and oxidative stress parameters of FUNAAB alpha (Normal feather) were better preserved by chilling compared to freezing method.
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