Global warming,, Green House emission,, livestock,, Sub-Saharan AfricaAbstract
The greenhouse gas emissions from Animal production related activities has turn out to be an important cause of global warming. This can be attributed to the continent-wide massive burdens arising from the switch in food consumption pattern. Anthropogenic activitiesrelated to livestock production contribute 37% of methane (CH4) emission, 9% of carbon dioxide (CO2) output and utilize 8% of the world water. An estimated aggregate of 7.1 billion tonnes of CO2 are generated by the feed and livestock industries. The effect of global warming is presently being experienced such as unstable rainfall pattern, drought, extended walk in search of pasture and water, coupled with significant impact on livestock productivity (rate of weight gainand milk production potentials).The potential of Sub-Saharan Africa to achieve sustainable animal production is being threatened by global warming, it is. therefore necessary to leverage on the use of livestock breed that combine the heat tolerance of the local stock with the high milk yield of the exotic breed (crossbreeding) to produce an improved breed of livestock. Ameliorative strategies such as strategic supplementation of diets, matching genetics to specific systems and management of manure with potential to improve productivity of livestock should be included into livestock production systems in the Sub-Sahara Africa. The use of Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques will also assist to acquire ideal results on susceptibility of smallholder farmers. Finally, there is the need for shift in policy to promote the livelihood of indigenous livestock farmers under favourable environmental conditions.
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