Constraints,, development,, fish farming,, Katsina State,, operationAbstract
This study examined the status of fish farming in Katsina State with a view to understanding the current practices, management, operation, and constraints to its sustainable development. All the active and accessible fish farms in the state, thirty-two in number were visited and data was collected through the administration of structured questionnaires. The data were analyzed and presented using descriptive statistics; frequency and percentage. The result showed that most of the respondents were male (87.5%) with a mean age of 41 years. The majority of the respondents (59%) are graduates of higher institutions and married (75%) with a mean household size of nine. Most of the respondents (56.3%) were owners of the farms with the majority of them (59.4%) gaining knowledge of fish farming on the job. The production technique and species cultured indicated that monoculture of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) accounts for 84.4% with concrete tanks being the most used culture facility (34.4%). The majority of the respondents (62.5%) had grow-out units with 68.8% of their culture system being stagnant renewal. Most of the respondents (90.6%) had two sources of water with 71.9% never carrying out any water quality management. The high cost of feeding was adjudged a major constraint by the respondents, while disease infestation, inadequate technical expertise, marketing, and inadequate capital were classified as minor constraints. There is a gradual development in aquaculture production in the state, especially in terms of practices, operation and management, although, the development appears to be at a slow pace.
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