Smallholder farmers, Sweet potato, Traditional method, Value additionAbstract
Smallholder farmers play a crucial role in sweet potato production, but limited value addition hinders their income generation and market participation. This study explored the factors that smallholder farmers in Ebonyi State considered when adding value to their sweet potato production. Using a multi-stage sampling technique, primary data was gathered from 400 small-scale sweet potato growers out of the state's 380,000 growers. Interview schedules were the instrument utilized for data collection. Information was gathered on the sweet potato processing method as well as the socioeconomic traits of the growers. Statistics from the descriptive and probit regression models were used to analyze the data. Findings revealed that the traditional method of processing sweet potatoes was predominant in the area. At a 1% probability level, the probit regression coefficient of educational attainment and farmers’ association membership was significant and positively correlated with the addition of value to sweet potatoes. Additionally, at a 5% probability level, access to credit was substantial and positively associated with the addition of value to the sweet potato. At 1% and 5% probability levels, respectively, coefficients of gender and farming status were significant and inversely associated with the addition of value to sweet potatoes. The study concludes that the most common processing methods used by sweet potato farmers are traditional processing methods. Therefore, strategies to educate farmers about the value of forming farmer groups are needed, as most training on value addition and access to knowledge about market opportunities can be easily shared through farmers' groups.
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