Fasciolosis, caused by the liver fluke Fasciola spp., is a significant parasitic disease affecting small ruminants worldwide. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of fasciolosis in small ruminants slaughtered at the Sokoto Main Abattoir using a Fluke Finder Kit. A cross-sectional study design was employed, and 308 small ruminants (sheep and goats) were randomly selected for examination. The Fluke Finder Kit was utilized to identify the presence of Fasciola gigantica eggs in the faeces of the slaughtered animals. The overall prevalence of fasciolosis was 0.97% in the sampled small ruminants. Of the positive cases, the specific prevalence rates were 0.33% in sheep and 0.64% in goats. A statistically significant association was found between age and the infection in sheep. The use of the Fluke Finder Kit proved to be an effective method for detecting the presence of F. gigantica eggs in the faeces of the animals. Further research is recommended to investigate the seasonal variation in the prevalence of fasciolosis. In addition, studies focusing on the economic impact of fasciolosis and the effectiveness of different control strategies would provide valuable insights into the management and prevention of this parasitic infection in small ruminants.
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