




Fodder yield must be improved for sustainable livestock production despite the poor quality of soils found in the tropics. A one-year field experiment was carried out on poorly aerated, low-fertility soil at Nsukka in south-eastern Nigeria. The study’s objective was to examine the potential of chopped water hyacinth (WH) and NPK as soil conditioners in maize fodder production. Treatments were factorial combinations of four WH rates (0, 10, 20, and 40 t/ha) and inorganic fertilizer (NPK) at 0 and 0.15 t/ha, giving a total of eight treatment combinations with three replications in a randomised complete block design. The results revealed that nutrient management practices using organic manure (water hyacinth) and inorganic fertilizer (NPK) influence maize performance. Conclusively, the sole application of WH40 or the treatment combination of WH40+NPK0.15 proved more effective in maize performance with respect to vegetative growth, while WH20 effectively produced fodder yield and is therefore recommended for optimum fodder yield for pasture farmers.


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