Growth, Digestability, Concentrate, Panicum maximum, Red Sokoto BucksAbstract
For profitability in livestock production, there is a need for reduction in production cost, which is achievable by increasing the forage inclusion in the diet of ruminant animals. A feeding trial was conducted for one hundred and fifteen (115) days to determine the total feed intake, live weight gain, and digestibility coefficient in Red Sokoto bucks fed a basal diet of Panicum maximum hay supplemented with concentrate in the ratio 75:25, 50:50, and 25:75 for treatments 2, 3 and 4, respectively, while bucks in treatment 1 were fed 50:50 ratio of Digitaria smutsi hay and concentrate, all at 3% body weight. The animals were allotted to four dietary treatments with three animals per treatment in a complete randomized design. Feed intake, live weight gain, and digestibility coefficients were determined. The results showed that the growth rate and coefficient of digestibility were significantly higher (P<0.05) in bucks fed 50:50 Panicum maximum and concentrate than all other treatments. It was concluded that bucks fed Panicum maximum hay and concentrate had higher feed intake, digestibility, and better weight gain. Panicum maximum and Concentrate should be fed to growing red Sokoto goats (bucks) for better growth and digestibility.
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