This study examines the factors influencing willingness to pay (WTP) for artificial insemination (AI) in the Ipokia local government area. A two-stage sampling process was used to select 67 herders in Muturu. Descriptive statistics and logit regression models were used to analyze socioeconomic characteristics, willingness to pay, and related determinants. The results show that muturu cattle raising is mainly male farmers who are married and have relatively large families. The average size of a household is 8 people. The average age of muturu herders is 51 years old and their number of years of experience rearing muturu cattle is 14 years. More than half (56.7%) of farmers bought their own cattle. Only 58.2% participate in the semi-intensive production system. The average herd size is 5 Muturu. Most (77.6%) Muturu farmers have formal education and 70.1% of Muturu farmers are willing to pay for AI. The local name of the muturu in Ipokia is Oni. The factors that determine the willingness of muturu farmers to pay for AI are the muturu herds owned by them, their many years of experience with muturu cattle rearing, their husbandry methods, and their perceptions about the ease of handling muturu cattle. Farmers in Muturu should improve their production system and production scale. It is recommended to organize AI training for muturu cattle breeders because they are willing to pay for AI.
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