Physicochemical Parameters, Milk, White Fulani, Sokoto GudaliAbstract
This study aimed to compare the milk composition of white Fulani (WF) and Sokoto Gudali (SG) indigenous breeds of cows raised in Unguwar Fulani of Sokoto, Nigeria. Twenty Primiparous and Multiparous lactating cows were raised under two different managements and feeding systems. Ten cows were raised under the indoor traditional system (ITM), while ten lactating cows were raised by Fulani nomadic system (FNS) with access to feed and water ad libitum. Fresh early morning milk was collected by hand milking from each group daily from November to December, 2016. There was no statistically significant difference between WF and SG in the macro-elements (Na, K, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, Zn and Cu) as measured by Atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Milk from cows raised under ITM showed statistically significant differences (p< 0.05) in milk moisture content (MMC), milk total solid content (MTC), milk protein content (MPC) and milk lipid content (MLC). Even though there was an obvious variation in the chemical parameters between the parity of the cow and the gender of the calves, this difference is not statistically significant. The analysis of the physicochemical components of the indigenous breeds (WF and SG) of lactating cows showed the importance and influence of the feeding system on milk quality.
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