Pesticide usage, smallholder farmers, environmental effects, farming operations


  • C.N EMERIBE National Centre for Energy and Environment, Energy Commission of Nigeria
  • E.J. EZE
  • P.A NDEM



The study evaluated the level of awareness of the risk of pesticide use on the environment in Edo North. The study was conducted among 400 farmers from twenty (20) villages in Etsako West Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. Most frequently used pesticides were within the WHO class II pesticides (moderately toxic), which are considered as moderately hazardous. A few cases of highly toxic (DDVP 1000G/L EC) were reported. There was no report of DDT and Endosulfan which have been banned globally or have restricted use under the Stockholm Convention. Major drivers of pesticides purchase was affordability (50.8%). Irrespective of age, majority of the sampled farmers do not read pesticides labels before use, while farmers with no formal education (67.1%), reported they don’t read pesticides labels. More, so farmers with less than 5years farming experience (76.3%) also do not read labels before use.  Reliance on the success stories of co-farmers and lack of clarity of information on pesticides labels were major reasons for not reading pesticides labels. Generally, farmers’ level of awareness of environmental effects of pesticides uses does not significantly depend on  the age, educational background and years of farming experience at ρ > 0.05, d = 0.24), (ρ > 0.05, d = 0.29) (ρ > 0.05, d = 0.28) respectively, an indication that farmers don’t just like to read labels as long as the pesticides is effective. Detailed information on the knowledge and awareness of environmental risks associated with pesticide use among farmers is essential towards policy making for reducing the risk to the environment.


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