Rosell, Podagrica, Neem, Insecticide, Insect PopulationAbstract
The study evaluates the efficacy of the neem leaf aqueous extract NLAE at different graded levels on flea beetle (Podagrica spp) infecting roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) varieties in rainy season in 2020 at Aliero and Jega, Kebbi State, Nigeria. The treatment consisted of three varieties of Roselle Green (V1), Red (V2), and deep red (V3) and three graded level of NLAE (C1-1000mg/mL, C2-500mg/mL, C3-333mg/mL) and control (C0-0mg/mL). The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) in a split plot arrangement and replicated three times. Different graded extracts were sprayed as Roselle flowering reaches 50%. The spraying procedure was repeated at 0 day before spray (DBS), 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 days after spraying (DAS) with (NLAE). Data were collected on Flea count, number of fresh and dried calyx, fresh and dried leaf yields per hectare (kg/ha). The results revealed that Podagrica spp were identified as a major pest complex affecting Roselle production. Furthermore, results also revealed the efficiency of the Neem leaf aqueous at different grade levels on pest affecting Roselle, while untreated control recorded the highest number of Podagrica spp with significant difference among the treatment that eventually have great effect of the yield of Roselle.
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