



: Nutraucetics, Food Safety, Organic Farming, Nematodes, Phytochemicals


Examination of some carrot tubers was made in two different markets in Abeokuta, to determine the occurrence and severity of the root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne spp. damage in their tubers as well as testing the inherent phytochemicals in them. The tubers were randomly sampled once a month for three consecutive months. Twenty-five (25) tubers were selected from five sellers in each of the two markets and conveyed to the Crop Protection Laboratory, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (7.2437º N, 3.3433º E). Each carrot sample was thoroughly washed with distilled water, mopped dry and scored for number of galls and fitted into an index scale for the determination of the severity of the root-knot disease. The nematodes were thereafter extracted from infested tubers to determine its population. Data obtained were subjected to Analysis of Variance and significant means were separated using the New Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5% probability level. Phytochemical test was carried out on the tubers using standard procedure for the identification of the constituents. Results showed that marketed tubers were variously infested with the Meloidogyne spp. with average galls ranging from 2 to 11 in Lafenwa and Kuto, respectively. October was the most vulnerable (80%) period for the manifestation nematodes (27 - 55) per tuber damaged by the nematode for both markets. Furthermore, there were reductions in the presence of alkaloids, tannins, and flavonoids contents due to the presence of the nematodes in the tubers with the likelihood of reduced nutritional value of Meloidogyne-infected carrot tubers.


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