
  • Lawal Maryam Aiyelabegan Soil science



Total sulphur, Sulpahate sulphur, inorganic sulphur, adsorbed sulphate, non-sulphate sulphur


An investigation study was carried out to determine the status and forms of sulphur in soils of Wudil and Gaya, Kano state, Nigeria. Soils were collected using grid sampling method across two farming communities, Gaya and Wudil Local Government areas of Kano state. A total of 297 samples were collected at a depth of 0 - 30 cm. The samples were subjected to routine soil tests while the forms of sulphur were determined using turbidmetric method. Descriptive analysis was used for the interpretation of the data. The result obtained showed that soils from both locations were sandy loam with slightly acidic to neutral pH and low content of organic matter (0.38 and 0.24%) and nitrogen (0.06 and 0.04%). The sulphur level in both locations was sufficient. Differences in the concentration of the forms of sulphur were observed. Total sulphur had the highest amount of sulphur 498.30 mg kg-1, while non-sulphate sulphur had the least amount 0.74 mg kg-1. The low amounts of adsorbed and non-sulphate sulphur observed were attributed to the texture (sandy loam) and pH (6.24 and 6.99) of the soil. It can be concluded that the sulphur levels in both locations; Gaya and Wudil were high. Therefore, management strategies that will enable sulphur mineralization in the soil should be maintained by farmers to enhance availability of sulphate in the soil.


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